We aims to be the best and most reliable solution
provider for integrated operational products and
Chemical Resistant Hose to IRPC
(August 2016)
Repair hopper project to IRPC
(July 2016)
Air Conditioner Installation Services
(December 2021)
TA SYSTEM Perform Install demo scan
(May 2022)
Solar Panel Installation and Maintenance
(July 2022)
Site survey Panasonic CCTV
(January 2022)
Turnaround Management Service
(November 2020)
Equipment Maintenance Service
(August 2020)
TA SYSTEM Perform Installation CCTV
(June 2022)
>Perform Installation CCTV & Facescan
(August 2022)
Solar Panel Installation and Maintenance
(June 2022)
TA SYSTEM Perform Install Switch
(June 2022)
Perform Installation CCTV &Extension
(August 2022)
Perform Installation CCTV &Extension
(August 2022)
TA SYSTEM Perform Install Earthing
(August 2022)
>TA SYSTEM Perform Dema Face Scan
(August 2022)
Perform Installation CCTV & Extension
(June 2022)
Replace finger scan SP-1, NK factory
(August 2022)